“A Simple Secret to Treasure/The Simple Secret to Wealth”

 “A Simple Secret to Treasure/The Simple Secret to Wealth”

Now some of you may say "Hey, there's no easy way to get rich" or “any simple secret to becoming a rich man” but I disagree, and let me tell you why. First of all, I would like to encourage you to watch a movie called "The Secret". It's an eye-opening experience and I'll tell you right here is just a small part of it. The movie incorporates many different elements but the plot can be described in very simple terms.


Thoughts Become Things.


This means that whatever you focus on will be fulfilled for you. The important thing is to see the future in advance. You feel like it has already happened. I'm not saying this is easy to do but if you can do that the result will be very good. If you are looking for plenty and you see plenty coming obviously then it is the abundance you will find.


Predicting the future is not something that people normally do and that is why people often live the lives they lead - without much. If you spend time listening to self-improvement trainers or attending conferences or reading books, you will know that it all happens in your mind. All external things are formed by the way you see them in your mind.


This may sound strange at first and I remember that it was very far from the truth I knew but as I read it gradually it began to sound. Have you ever misinterpreted someone else's intentions? Have you ever reacted in a certain way by answering the goals you had even though that person had them? Maybe you were angry or upset, but in reality that was not the real meaning of the person and the feeling you had was created by your interpretation and not the actions of the person himself.


You can control your mind and decide how you feel about anything that happens. You can decide to focus on all the bad and bad things and then come back feeling bad and wrong about everything. Or you may decide to look at the positive aspects of your situation and focus on the good and the bad.


As I said earlier, this is just a small part of the philosophy of “thoughts becoming things” and there is so much more to learn. The law of attraction can be very powerful if you know how to use it and use it. Go see the movie The Secret or read a book. It's worth it.


Thanks and That’s all,


In short:-

In short, my dear friends! you must control your mind, and decide to focus on a good thing with a positive mind so that you feel good and the result will be positive. Avoid holding on to anger or frustrations, this is bad for your health. Try and learn something new every day, because learning makes a man perfect, Avoid wasting time, and avoid exposure to negative elements….
