Top useful tips for MS Excel
- I’m reall
y excited about today's topic. It's a highly useful topic on Excel shortcuts that you should know. Your colleagues should know. Anyone who works with Excel should know. Let's get started.- Click anywhere inside your data set, use Ctrl+Shift+L to add a filter to this, and then you can go about using the usual filter options, filter for names, press enter, that's my list. To deactivate the filter, click inside the data set, Ctrl+Shift+L takes it away. It's a toggle Ctrl+Shift+L puts it back Ctrl+Shift+L takes it away.
- Click anywhere inside the data set and press Ctrl+T. The table has headers, click on OK. The design tab is activated, you have a lot more table options. You can decide on the style you want, you can add a total row to this, summarize with a pivot table, or remove duplicates. Now there are many more advantages to tables. If for some reason you want to convert this back to a range, just click on convert to the range.
- To jump from one side of your data set to the bottom, use the Ctrl+Down arrow. To jump to the right, Ctrl+Right arrow To jump to the left, Ctrl+Left arrow Jump back up, Ctrl+Up arrow. This is much faster than using the scroll bar.
- Now if you wanna jump to the bottom but highlight everything in between, use Ctrl+Shift+Down. Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow, highlights everything on the right side.
- Click on the home tab to take you to the top of the data set so if you have some text here and you used Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow, it highlights everything there, it doesn't jump to D, because D is in fact empty, this information is sitting in E. If you wanted to format all of these, you gonna use Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow to highlight them,
- Ctrl+1 which takes you to the format cells options, you can decide on your formatting and press enter. If you are not using an Excel table and you wanna add a sum to this, just click on the cell below or above your data set, use the Alt+Equals sign, that automatically inputs the sum function for you and it tries to figure out the range that you probably want to sum, so in this case, it has correctly figured it out.
- If I had a number here, and I use auto sum here, I think that I want to add these two values, and Press enter. So it's quite smart in trying to figure out what you want to sum. If you want to copy and paste your formula, but you wanna have your numbers as hard-coded, so you wanna paste it as values without the formula behind this, you need this shortcut, so first Ctrl+C to copy, and then Alt+E+S+V to bring up the paste special dialog box, all you have to do now is press enter, and you've pasted it as values.
- Now you notice it's a difficult one to remember, the way I remember it is Eat Some Vitamins, ESV, you just have to figure out something that works for you.
- To add a new line inside a cell, use Alt+Enter, so you have to be in edit mode because if you press enter here it just moves down one cell, to move down a line inside a cell, press Alt+Enter and now you can input your text, and you can adjust the formatting as you like.
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