Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks

Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks

There are certain secret things in Microsoft Word which will really amaze you, these hidden tips and tricks of MS Word really mak
e you go crazy. These tips will help you do things at your cursor point where you don't have to go to a special menu, tabs or options watch closely.


Magical tip number one this is a very handy new way to create tables Type plus and few minus or hyphens and again type plus sign and press the Enter key Voila you created a table with one row and 3 columns. Now to add more rows, take the cursor to the last cell in the columns and press the tab key.


Note: you have to start with a plus and end with the plus sign and press Enter. The number of hyphens represents the column gap. In this way, you can create a table with different column width


Magical Tip section. 2 – A handy way to create automatic horizontal lines or borders

Tip 2. Type 3 or more asterisk and press enter.

Tip 3. Type 3 or more hyphen and press enter.

Tip 4. Type 3 or more equals and press enter.

Tip 5. Type 3 or more underscore and press enter.

Tip 6. Type 3 or more hash and press enter.

Tip 7. Type 3 or more tilde and press enter.

These techniques create instant horizontal borders


Magical Tip section. 3 - It’s possible to insert most frequently used characters as you type.

Tip 8. Type 2 equals sign and a greater than sign to get this arrow.

Tip 9. Type a lesser than sign and 2 equals sign to get this arrow.

Tip 10. Type 2 hyphens and greater than - this arrow.

Tip 11. Type a lesser than and 2 hyphens - this arrow.

Tip 12. Type a lesser than sign and a equals sign and then a greater than sign to get a double headed arrow.

Tip 13. Type a colon and then an opening parenthesis to get this smiley.

Tip 14. Type a colon and then a closing parenthesis to get this smiley.

Tip 15. Type a colon and then a vertical bar or pipeline character to get this smiley.

Tip 16. Type an opening parenthesis, then type c and then type a closing parenthesis to create copyright symbol.

Tip 17. Type an opening parenthesis, then type r and then type a closing parenthesis to create registered symbol.

Tip 18. Type opening parenthesis, then type TM and type a closing parenthesis to create a trademark symbol


Magical Tip section 4 - Creating Automatic Smart quotes, Ordinals, Fractions, Long Hyphens,

Bold and Italic formatting

Tip 19. Type double quotes, then the content, and then double quotes again this creates a smart opening and closing quotes with the same key. Note: For this option to work you should make sure that the auto-formatting options are enabled for these to work. At almost the end of this tutorial, you will learn how to enable or disable auto-formatting options.

Tip 20. You can create ordinals such as 1st 2nd 3rd 4th etc. you don’t need to do anything special. The changes happen as you type and press the spacebar.

Tip 21. Type a fraction number and press the spacebar to create smart fractions

Tip 22. Type a word and then type 2 hyphens immediately without space and then type a word again then press the spacebar to create long hyphens.

Tip 23. Type an asterisk and type the word and then type an asterisk again to create an automatic bold text.

Tip 24. Type an underscore and type the word and then type an underscore again to create an automatic underlined text.


Magical Tip section 5 Automatic bullets and numbering

Tip 25. Type an asterisk, press the tab key, then type some text and press the enter key to create a dotted bullet.

Tip 26. Type a greater sign, press the tab key, then type some text and press the enter key to create an arrow-like bullet.

Tip 27. Type a hyphen, Press the tab key, then type some text and press the enter key to use a hyphen as bullet.

Tip 28. Type a number, Press the tab key, then type some text and press the enter key to create a numbered list.

Tip 29. Type a number, then type a closing parenthesis press the tab key, then type some text and press the enter key to create a numbered list.

Tip 30. Type the letter I, then type a closing parenthesis, press the tab key, then type some text and press the enter key to create a numbered list with roman numerals.

Tip 31. Type an alphabet, then type a closing parenthesis, press the tab key, then type some text and press the enter key to create a numbered list with alphabets. You may use capitalized alphabet.

Tip 32. You may also use the character symbols as explained in Tip no. 8 till Tip no.15 to create automatic bullets. For Example:


Magical bonus tip no. 33 - use a picture or clipart as a bullet. Insert an in-line picture or clip art, then adjust either the image or font size in a way that they both attain almost equal height. Then press the tab key, type the text and press the enter key. Please note for these options to work make sure that the appropriate autocorrect options are enabled. To enable or disable autocorrect options

Press and Release the Alt key and press T and then press A Let’s put it together. Alt + T + A and go to auto-format as u type tab and check whether the options are enabled. Please watch my other tutorials if it interests you. Also let me know in the comment section, which of my tutorials you liked most. You could also let me know which topics and what kind of tutorials,


tips or tricks you want me to create.

